


You are permitted to use this website, ("the Site"), according to the terms that are outlined in these Terms of Service (these "Terms"), as well as the other agreements that are referenced within these Terms of Service. Kindly give these Terms a careful read and make sure you understand them before continuing. Your agreement to comply with and be bound by these Terms is deemed to occur upon your first use of the Site. If you do not agree to abide by and be governed by these Terms, you are required to immediately discontinue using the Site and take appropriate action.

There is no fee required to see anything on this website. You are solely responsible for making all of the required arrangements in order to get access to the Site. Access to the Site is offered both "as is" and "as available" on a going-forward basis. We reserve the right to make changes, temporarily cease operations, or terminate the website entirely at any moment and without prior warning. We do not assume any responsibility in the event that the Site (or any portion of it) is inaccessible at any time or for any length of time.


Intellectual property and acceptable use


Unless otherwise indicated, all of the content that can be found on the Site, as well as the intellectual property rights associated with that content, either belongs to us or has been licensed by us. This content is safeguarded by the relevant national and international intellectual property laws and treaties.

You may access, view, and use the Site in a web browser (including any web browsing capability built into other types of software or app), download the Site (or any part of it) for caching, print pages from the Site, download, copy, clip, print, or otherwise save extracts from pages on the Site; and/or save pages from the Site for later and/or offline viewing. This is only permitted for your own personal use, which may include research and private study.
Without our prior written authorization, you are not permitted to replicate the Content in any other manner, copy it, distribute it, sell it, rent it, sub-license it, store it, or re-use it in any other way. You are not permitted to make any financial gain from the use of any of the Content in any way, shape, or form without first getting a license from us (or our licensors, as appropriate).


Links to other websites


There is a possibility that the Site will incorporate connections to other websites. These websites are not under our control in any way, shape, or form, unless specifically noted differently. We do not assume any responsibility or liability for the material found on websites that are not owned or operated by us. The presence of a link to another website on our site is solely for the purpose of providing more information and enhancing user convenience. This does not mean that we support the content of the linked website or the people who run it.


Links To The Site


You are permitted to link to the Site provided that you do so in a manner that is both fair and legal, that you do not do so in a manner that claims or suggests any form of affiliation, association, endorsement, or approval on our part where none exists, that you do not use any logos or trade marks displayed on the Site without our prior written consent; and that you do not do so in a manner that may damage our reputation or take unfair advantage of it. Without our prior written approval, you are not permitted to frame or embed the Site (or any portion of it) on any other websites.

You are not permitted to link to this website from any other website whose content contains material that is sexually explicit, is obscene, offensive, hateful or otherwise inflammatory, promotes violence, promotes or assists in any form of unlawful activity, discriminates against or is defamatory of any person, group or class of persons on the grounds of their race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age, is intended to or may threaten, harass, annoy, a minor (including without limitation contractual obligations and duties of confidentiality).


Limitation of liability


You agree to indemnify and hold harmless and its affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising, promotion agencies and parents as well as their respective executive and staff including officers, directors, representatives, agents and employees from any and all liability for any loss, damage or injuries of any kind to a person, including death, and property, arising in part or in whole, indirectly or directly, from the use of this site. This includes any and all losses, damages or injuries that result from the use of this verifies that its advertisers adhere to our guidelines and are credible and in good standing. Despite this, cannot be held liable for any of the promises, services, or offers advertised and provided by those websites or websites that may link from does not endorse any of the casinos or gambling sites that are advertised on its website. By using this website, you acknowledge that you will not hold liable for any damages. You also accept that you are the only one accountable for the choices you make after leaving this website and before returning.




The site's owners, as well as the site itself, put forth all effort possible to guarantee that the information, material, and links that can be found on the site are correct. You, as the User, acknowledge and agree that the Site and/or its Owners cannot and will not be held responsible or liable for any inaccuracies that may be contained within the information, content, and links that are provided on the Site, as well as for any damage or loss of any kind that may be caused by such inaccuracies. You, as the User, are aware of and agree to the fact that any and all information, material, and links made accessible to you on the Site are provided to you at your own personal risk. You are not allowed to and you will not hold the Site and/or the Owners accountable for any harm or loss of any kind that is caused either directly or indirectly by the information, material, and links that are offered on the Site.


Changes to these Terms


These Terms are subject to modification at any moment at our discretion. Your continued use of this site after any such modifications have been made will indicate that you accept and agree to be bound by the revised terms and conditions. Because of this, you ought to revisit this page at regular intervals. In the case that the current version of these Terms differs in any way from any earlier version(s), the provisions that are current and in force will take precedence, unless it is specifically specified that anything else will take precedence.